Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Yesterday was more like a "grueling landscaping day" as opposed to an "any wedding or paper-related day" so bear with me.

And hopefully the waaaay "after" pictures will be something like these:
(image from How Stuff Works Deck Ideas)

(image from www.remodeldesign.com/construction)

So that was yesterday. Today I've been working on some designs for the latest Minted contest for party invitations. I'm working on designs for the Graduation party because I want to do something that a 17/18 year old might actually like as opposed to just something that their Mom deems is okay.

But more on that tomorrow. :)


Nicole said...

What happened to the shrub? Was it moved somewhere else?

Kristen said...

Nope- shrub is one million pieces in the corner of the lot. I found roots that were nearly a half an inch around at the edges of the concrete so we couldn't put it anywhere near the house because it might bust through our foundation and around the house is the only property we have other than the backyard.