Friday, April 3, 2009

Come one, come all-- get your ephemera!

I love the idea of vintage tin cans or old cigar boxes used to carry flower, favors, or just as decoration. In the description of the Martha Stewart photo above she (or rather, her people) say "New or vintage, the containers are inexpensive and easy to find at specialty-food stores, tag sales, and online auctions." Riiiight. I mean it sounds feasible but I bet somewhere in the world right now there's a bride gearing up to go on ANOTHER search through thrift stores this weekend hoping to find cans like in the picture, on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and wondering why the 5 cans in her recycling bins can't just look more interesting.

So, when I came across papier valise provisions this morning I needed to share. Feast your eyes on these:

I think the question you should be asking yourself is what CAN'T you attach those to?! All for under $5 and in most cases you get several in a package. And did I mention that it's $5 Canadian?!! Which is, as of 10:31 am on Friday April 3rd, $4.04 American dollars.

OH... planning a garden wedding... how about these for table numbers?
For the low low price of $4.50 (CAD) for 7.

Or are you having a photo booth, you lucky duck, and need some tickets?
Take your pick because the above is one of many tickets they sell.

And I'm sure you can find uses for these gems as well:

And those are only the highlights so go take a look for yourself: papier valise provisions

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