Thursday, May 28, 2009

Grab bag

Hey there! Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend. (How can it already seem like a distant memory?) I had a whirlwind trip to NYC for my friend's 30th and learned there are some amazing perks to knowing someone who is a sommelier. I have also learned that staying out to 4 am and drinking like you're on shore leave is not something you can just jump back into. :)

Things have been pretty cold and gray up in the Northeast which has been unfortunately reflecting pretty closely to how things have been going for me this past week (friend's birthday excluded) so I'm going to keep it simple and try and turn things around with clearing up all the things I've been saving on my desktop.

First, a gorgeous new font, Memoriam by Canada Type:All my loving, indeed. I'm always looking for scripty fonts that won't make people gag on wedding invitations (cough *scriptina* cough) and this definitely fits the bill.

Secondly I came across this surprise wedding on Studio7 (wedding photography). That's right. A SURPRISE wedding. The couple invited all their friends over for an "engagement party" and little did they know when they got there it was the actual wedding.
The photographers caught each of the bridesmaids reactions as they saw the bride in her wedding dress (I love the girl on the bottom left!) and apparently the brides brother told the rest of the guests that "the engagement had been called off... [dramatic pause].. because they're getting married tonight!" Talk about dialing it up to 11!

The next wedding I've had saved was found on Snippet and Ink and was planned by Alison Events. Growing up I started dance in Pre-K and continued to my senior year, was tech crew in Middle School for the musicals (I had auditioned but never got in to any of them but all my friends were in it so I still wanted to be apart of it*) and then in high school was in all 8 shows offered over the 4 years, and then 2 more shows in college so I think it's safe to say I liked the stage experience. So when I saw this wedding had taken place in a small club with the ceremony on stage, you know I was all over it.

(Above three photos by Adi Nevo)

The guys wore pinstripes and fedora, there was a slight Mexican vibe throughout complete with tequila shot and Pacifico waiting to the guests at their seats, a swing dance lesson before the dancing got started and the Mood Swing Orchestra for people to practice their new skills to all night long. I can't tell you how many of my friends from high school this would be perfect for.

Wow, my desktop is overcrowded. I still have 3 more random photos but I think those will wait until Monday. Have a great weekend!

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